Heads of Chambers: Penelope Reed KC
Senior Clerk: Paul Jennings
Number of tenants: 39
Firm Overview:
5 Stone Buildings is one of the outstanding sets of chancery chambers. Largely based in London but often travelling for professional engagements overseas, members have expertise at all levels of business and property law, especially in the fields of private client, estate planning, taxation, probate disputes, partnership, property litigation, art and cultural property, pensions and related professional negligence. Barristers have extensive experience in litigation and in noncontentious work including advice and drafting relating to trusts, wills and taxation in the UK and abroad. There is a specialist team experienced in Court of Protection work. Chambers aims to provide a fast, efficient, modern service of the highest standard.
Main Areas of Practice:
Private Wealth: Tax
Chambers’ specialist tax practitioners, both silks and juniors, advise extensively on offshore structures and litigate in the UK and overseas. There are members experienced in the taxation of foreign domiciliaries, temporary residents, internationally mobile families, and UK residents with significant assets or employment overseas, as well as more generally on the whole range of UK tax law.
Private Wealth: Trusts:
Members at all levels advise, draft and litigate in relation to trusts. This includes overseas litigation and work in the UK in respect of foreign law trusts. This extends into the areas of pensions and insurance products. Members of chambers have significant experience in many other jurisdictions including Jersey, Cayman, the Bahamas, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands and Hong Kong.
Offshore (Bar):
Members litigate around the world in all chambers’ key areas of expertise. Much advice is given to non-UK resident individuals and trustees in both taxation and other areas.
Chancery: Traditional:
Chambers is one of the leading sets in the UK for litigation in the Business and Property Courts at all levels. Members are equally highly regarded for non-contentious work including advice on holding structures for wealthy international individuals.
Chancery: Commercial:
Members regularly apply their expertise for corporate clients, partnerships, LLPs and otherwise in the commercial sphere in both litigation and advisory work.
Art & Cultural Property:
Members take cases at the highest levels concerning art and cultural property for clients based in the UK and elsewhere around the globe.
Chambers’ specialist tax practitioners, both silks and juniors, advise extensively on offshore structures for corporate clients including pension funds, investment funds and other multi-nationals, as well as trusts, individuals and charities; and litigate in the UK and overseas. There are members experienced in the taxation on the whole range of UK tax law, from corporate residence and permanent establishment issues, via double taxation agreements and information exchange treaties, to transfer pricing and all other corporate tax issues.
Shân Warnock-Smith KC (1971) (KC- 2002)
Mark Blackett-Ord (1974)
Andrew Simmonds KC (1980) (KC – 1999) ++
Miranda Allardice (1982)
Penelope Reed KC (1983) (KC- 2009) ++
Christopher Tidmarsh KC (1985) (KC- 2002)
Michael O’Sullivan (1986)
Patrick Rolfe (1987)
Barbara Rich (1990)
Tracey Angus KC (1991) (KC – 2012)
Henry Legge KC (1993) (KC – 2012)
Amanda Hardy KC (1993) (KC – 2015)
David Rees KC (1994) ++ (KC- 2017)
Leon Sartin (1997)
Sarah Haren KC (1999) (KC- 2021)
Thomas Entwistle (2001)
Luke Harris (2001)
Matthew Paton (2005)
Mark Baxter (2006)
Charlotte Edge (2006)
Ruth Hughes (2007) *
Edward Hewitt (2007)
William East (2008)
Toby Bishop (2008)
Elis Gomer (2008)
Raj Arumugam (2008)
Jordan Holland (2009)
Mathew Roper (2011)
Alexander Drapkin (2011)
Oliver Marre (2011)
Sam Chandler (2013) **
Hugh Cumber (2013)
Francis Ng (2013)
Eliza Eagling (2015)
Rose Fetherstonhaugh (2016)
Simon Douglas (2018)
Arabella Adams (2019)
Emilia Carslaw (2020)
Tomos Rees (2021)
Carmen Barragan-Lope (2021)
Priya Wagjiani (2021)
Henry Harrod (1963) - Retired
Practice Areas:
Private Wealth Tax
Private Wealth Trusts
Chancery: Traditional
Chancery: Commercial
Art & Cultural Property
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Provided by 5 Stone Buildings
- London5 Stone Buildings Lincoln's Inn , London, Greater London, UK, WC2A 3XT
- Web: www.5sblaw.com
- Tel: (020) 7242 6201
- Fax: (020) 7831 8102
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