Employment Law Alliance
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President and CEO: Stephen J Hirschfeld
Number of countries represented worldwide: 99
Number of member firms/offices worldwide: 165
Number of jurisdictions worldwide: 165
Number of lawyers worldwide: 3,000+
The Employment Law Alliance (ELA) is the world’s largest and most prestigious network of labor, employment, and immigration lawyers. Member firms range from large regional full-service firms to labor-focused boutiques.
ELA’s Mission - provide HR executives, General Counsel, and business leaders with world-class, comprehensive, innovative labor, employment, and immigration legal solutions through an expert, supportive global network. Attributes that drive ELA’s mission, reputation, and performance are:
Global Reach/Local Experts
- Legal experts in 95 countries; every US state and Canadian province.
- Seamless, cross-border coordination.
- Members know their clients’ local courts, laws, industries, and possess specialty expertise across many industries.
- Recognized, respected lawyers and leaders in their respective markets/jurisdictions.
- ELA member firms must successfully complete a rigorous vetting process – and maintain their level of excellence.ELA selects one member firm each for the majority of its jurisdictions.
- Perennially named to Chambers Elite Global Network - approximately 90% of ELA member firms earn Chambers recognition.
- Exclusive feature – ELA’s Global Employer Handbook.
- Clients first…always.
- Highly efficient, cost-effective access to employment law expertise.
- Fellowship, collaboration, trust, respect characterize relationships among ELA’s global member firms.
For more information
- About the ELA, leadership, members, and services, visit https://www.ela.law/
- To access ELA’s exclusive Global Employer Handbook, visit https://www.ela.law/globalemployerhandbook (must first register at https://www.ela.law/registration )
Corporate-based employment, labor, and immigration law practice areas across most industries, including compliance, cross-border employment, discrimination, employee benefits, harassment, immigration/visa compliance, wage/hour, workplace health/safety, wrongful termination allegations. Provide insight into the most current global issues and decisions through podcasts, webinars, legal video logs (vlogs), white papers, and meetings/conferences. Through ELA’s popular Employment Matters – Travel Tuesdays podcast series, member attorneys provide a glimpse of their jurisdiction, and 'need to know' items for doing business there.
Clients of ELA member firms range from the largest, most sophisticated multinational corporations across all industry sectors to world-class research universities, global non-profits, private equity firms, venture capitalists and leading startups.
Angola: Fátima Freitas Associados
Egypt: Ibrachy & Dermarkar
Ethiopia: Mesfin Tafesse & Associates
Gabon: Miranda Alliance - Cabinet Nguia
Ghana: N. Dowuona and Company
Israel: Naschitz, Brandes, Amir and Co. Advocates
Kenya: ALN Kenya - Anjarwalla & Khanna LLP
Mauritius: Bowmans
Morocco: CWA Morocco
Mozambique: Miranda Alliance - Pimenta & Associados
Nigeria: Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie
Oman: Addleshaw Goddard Oman
Qatar: Clyde & Co.
Rwanda: ALN Rwanda - K Solutions and Partners
South Africa: Bowmans
Tanzania: A&K Tanzania
Uganda: ALN Uganda - MMAKS Advocates
United Arab Emirates: Addleshaw Goddard (Middle East) LLP
Yemen: Luqman Legal Advocates & Legal Consultants
Australia: Maddocks
Bangladesh: Sattar & Co
China: JunHe
Guam: Camacho Calvo Law Group
Hong Kong: Deacons
India: Trilegal
Indonesia: SSEK Legal Consultants
Japan: Ushijima & Partners
Macau: MdME Lawyers
Malaysia: Shearn Delamore & Co.
New Zealand: Simpson Grierson
Pakistan: Meer & Hasan
Philippines: SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan
Singapore: WongPartnership
Sri Lanka: John Wilson Partners
South Korea: Kim & Chang
Taiwan: Lee, Tsai & Partners
Thailand: Price Sanond Limited
Vietnam: Le & Tran Law Corporation
Belgium: Lydian
Bulgaria: Dinova Rusev & Partners
Channel Islands – Guernsey: Mourant
Channel Islands – Jersey: Mourant
Croatia: Vidan Law Office
Cyprus: Elias Neocleous & Co LLC
Czech Republic: Kocián Šolc Balaštík
Denmark: Plesner
Estonia: Ellex Raidla
Finland: Castrén & Snellman
France: August Debouzy
Germany: ADVANT Beiten
Gibraltar: Cruz Law
Greece: Kyriakides Georgopoulos Law Firm
Hungary: CERHA HEMPEL Dezső & Partners
Iceland: LOGOS
Ireland: A&L Goodbody
Isle of Man: Cains Advocates Limited
Italy: ADVANT Nctm
Latvia: Ellex Klavins
Lithuania: Ellex Valiunas
Luxembourg: Arendt & Medernach
Malta: GVZH Advocates
the Netherlands: Boontje Advocaten & Mediators
North Macedonia: Georgi Dimitrov Attorneys
Norway: Advokatfirmaet Selmer AS
Poland: Miller, Canfield, w. Babicki
Portugal: Morais Leitão
Serbia: Doklestic Repic & Gajin
Slovenia: CERHA HEMPEL Ulčar & partnerji
Spain: Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Abogados
Sweden: Advokatfirman Vinge
Switzerland: MLL Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep Ltd
Türkiye: Karadağ Law Office
Ukraine: Attorneys’ Association Gestors
United Kingdom - England and Wales: Travers Smith LLP
United Kingdom - Northern Ireland: A&L Goodbody
United Kingdom - Scotland: Brodies LLP
Argentina: Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal
Bolivia: Moreno Baldivieso Law Offices
Brazil: Demarest Advogados
Chile: Carey
Colombia: Posse Herrera Ruiz
Costa Rica: BLP Abogados
Ecuador: Pérez, Bustamonte and Ponce (PBP)
El Salvador: BLP
Guatemala: BLP
Honduras: BLP
Mexico: Santamarina y Steta, S.C.
Nicaragua: BLP
Panama: Morgan & Morgan
Paraguay: Vouga Abogados
Peru: Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano Abogados
Uruguay: Hughes & Hughes
Venezuela: Leĝa Abogados
Alberta: Neuman Thompson
British Columbia: Roper Greyell LLP
Manitoba: Taylor McCaffrey LLP
New Brunswick: Barteaux Labour and Employment Lawyers Inc.
Newfoundland and Labrador: Barteaux Labour and Employment Lawyers Inc.
Nova Scotia: Barteaux Labour and Employment Lawyers Inc.
Ontario: Sherrard Kuzz LLP
Prince Edward Island: Barteaux Labour and Employment Lawyers Inc.
Quebec: Loranger Marcoux
Saskatchewan: McKercher LLP
Bermuda: Canterbury Law Ltd.
Dominican Republic: Pereyra & Asociados
Haiti: Cabinet Salès
United States:
Alabama: Maynard Nexsen
Alaska: Miller Nash LLP
Arizona: Lewis Roca
Arkansas: Friday, Eldredge & Clark LLP
California: Hirschfeld Kraemer LLP
Colorado: Holland & Hart LLP
Connecticut: Day Pitney LLP
Delaware: Potter Anderson & Corroon,LLP
District of Columbia: Fortney & Scott LLC
Florida (Northern and Central): Gray Robinson, P.A.
Florida (Southern): Gunster
Georgia: Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
Hawaii: ES&A, Inc. A Law Corporation
Idaho: Holland & Hart LLP
Illinois: Vedder Price, P.C.
Indiana: Ice Miller LLP
Iowa: Nyemaster Goode, P.C.
Kansas: Lathrop GPM LLP
Kentucky: Sturgill, Turner, Barker & Moloney PLLC
Louisiana: Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C.
Maine: Pierce Atwood LLP
Maryland: Shawe & Rosenthal LLP
Massachusetts: Morgan, Brown & Joy LLP
Michigan: Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone PLC
Minnesota: Lathrop GPM LLP
Mississippi: Butler Snow LLP
Missouri (Eastern): Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt P.C.
Missouri (Western): Lathrop GPM LLP
Montana: Crowley Fleck Attorneys PLLP
Nebraska: Cline, Williams, Wright, Johnson & Oldfather LLP
Nevada: Lewis Roca
New Hampshire: Pierce Atwood LLP
New Jersey: Day Pitney LLP
New Mexico: Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb, P.A. (Rodey Law Firm)
New York (City): Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
New York (Upstate): Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC
New York (Western): Schröder, Joseph & Associates
North Carolina: Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
North Dakota: Crowley Fleck Attorneys PLLP
Ohio: Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Oklahoma: Crowe & Dunlevy
Oregon: Miller Nash LLP
Pennsylvania (Eastern): McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC
Pennsylvania (Western): Steptoe & Johnson PLLC
Puerto Rico: Pizarro & González
Rhode Island: Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP
South Carolina: Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
South Dakota: Boyce Law Firm LLP
Tennessee: Butler Snow LLP
Texas: Locke Lord LLP
Utah: Ray, Quinney & Nebeker, P.C.
Vermont: Dinse, P.C.
Virginia: Reed Smith LLP
Washington: Miller Nash LLP
West Virginia: Steptoe & Johnson PLLC
Wisconsin: Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
Wyoming: Holland & Hart LLP
Ranked Offices
Provided by Employment Law Alliance
- San Francisco456 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California, USA, 94104
- Web: www.ela.law
- Tel: +1 267 452 1007
- Fax: +1 267 416 5158
- View ranked office
Employment Law Alliance rankings