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Practice area definitions: Brazil

Practice area definitions: Brazil 





The focus of this section is the representation of insolvent commercial entities, with a view to either restructuring the terms of their debt whilst continuing to trade, or ceasing operations and liquidating assets to repay their creditors. Lawyers in this chapter assist clients such as corporate debtors, investors and asset purchasers; secured and unsecured creditors and creditors' committees, bondholders, insurers; directors of distressed companies and any other interested parties in corporate restructurings. Also relevant to this section is any contentious work relating to the disputes between parties involved in bankruptcy proceedings.  
Please note: The acquisition of the assets of distressed companies will be considered for this section, but is considered secondary to the aforementioned areas of work.  



Competition/Antitrust covers the body of laws that prohibits anti-competitive behaviour (monopoly) and unfair business practices. This includes practices that hurt businesses, consumers, or both, or that generally violate standards of ethical behaviour. Antitrust litigation and M&A-related competition matters are both included in this section.  

This practice also covers the legislation prohibiting actions which restrict or limit free competition between economic agents both absolutely (through cartel activity) and relatively (through abuse of dominant position).   

In particular, the section focuses on merger control (filings before the relevant authorities), anti-competitive behaviour investigations and market studies carried out by authorities into the competitiveness of particular sectors. Litigation against the competent authorities is also considered here, as are civil claims initiated by economic agents seeking damages for anti-competitive behaviour.  



This section ranks firms and individuals advising clients on compliance with legislation and investigations concerning white-collar crime, anti-corruption and international sanctions. The firms and lawyers may also be instructed to help design internal compliance programmes for companies, conduct independent investigations and prepare reports for management. Firms and partners advising high level clients in highly publicised, sensitive matters may gain an edge.  


Consumer Law 

This chapter encompasses both consultancy and litigation work arising from consumer relationships including consumer credits, pricing, general contractual terms and conditions. Also includes the sale and supply of services and products, including product liability issues. The section also looks at disputes before the relevant public authorities, such as the Consumer Protection Agency, PROCON.   


Dispute Resolution: Arbitration 

The Dispute Resolution Arbitration section features the Brazilian firms and lawyers that advise clients on domestic and international arbitrations, in other words, the resolution of disputes by one or more neutral parties, either an arbitrator or an arbitration panel. Many contracts – including those imposed on customers by many financial and healthcare organisations – require mandatory arbitration in the event of a dispute. Examples ofrelevant international institutions include the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce, LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration), CAMARB (Câmara de Mediação e Arbitragem Empresarial – Brasil) and CCBC (Câmara de Comércio Brasil Canada). Alternative dispute resolution, involving non-court mediation is also covered in this section.  


Most in Demand Arbitrators 

This subsection features individuals that specialise in acting as arbitrators and are highly sought after for this work.  


Dispute Resolution: Litigation 

Chambers' Dispute Resolution encompasses all stages of litigation includingpre-trial negotiations, documentation and preparation for trial, summary judgement motions, trial, appeals and enforcement proceedings.  

Please note:Litigation related to IP, Labour & Employment, Tax or Competition/Antitrust should not be included in Dispute Resolution submissions.  

Dispute Resolution: Litigation Mid-market 
The Dispute Resolution: Mid-Market subsection shall rank firms and partners that predominantly represent mid-market level clients and present an average matter-value of up to BRL 190 million. Firms must also demonstrate that their practice is not limited to one state only, in which case they should submit to the Regions Guide. Finally, firms with more than 3 departments already ranked in other sections across the Guide shall not be eligible, as this would demonstrate evidence against a mid-market focused practice. 
Please note:Litigation related to Labour & Employment and Tax should not be included in submissions.  


Intellectual Property: Patents 

The patents section covers civil disputes related to patent infringement and criminal proceedings related to anti-counterfeiting matters. Accountprosecutions, enforcement and opposition actions and related issues such as licensing agreements and IP commercialisation are also covered in this section.  


Intellectual Property: Trademark, Copyright & Trade Secrets  

This section covers civil disputes related to copyright and trademark infringement and criminal proceedings related to anti-counterfeiting matters. Litigation concerning trade secrets also features. Accountprosecutions, enforcement and opposition actions and related issues such as licensing agreements and IP commercialisation are also covered in this section.  


International Trade/WTO 

This section covers classic trade cases such as anti-dumping, countervailing duties, export control and other customs / tariff classifications and regulatory work. Lawyers also advise clients on matters before international trade bodies and forums, such as MERCOSUR,WTO and GATT trade provisions. 

Please note:International Trade and Customs work is given equal weight in this section.  


Labour & Employment  

Labour & Employment covers non-contentious matters relating to day-to-day business issues as well as workforce restructuring, and employment issues related to mergers and takeovers. Class Actions and Union-related matters are also considered. This section also covers litigation related to sex, race, age and national origin discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination and employment-related restrictive covenants. Advice on the writing of policy handbooks for major corporates and HR training also falls within this section's scope.  


Labour & Employment: Mid-market 

The Mid-Market subsection of the Labour & Employment ranking will consider firms and partners that predominantly represent mid-market level clients and present an average matter-value of up to BRL 8 million. Both contentious and advisory matters may be included in the submissions. Firms must also demonstrate that their practice is not limited to one state only, in which case they should submit to the Regions Guide. Finally, firms with more than 3 departments already ranked in other sections across the Guide shall not be eligible, as this would demonstrate evidence against a mid-market focused practice. 

Social Security 

Relevant work might include disputes before administrative and judicial spheres, regarding payroll contributions and variable remuneration, such as profit-sharing plans (PLR), long-term incentive plans and fixed and discretionary bonuses.  

It also encompasses consulting work, such as planning for social security contributions, as well as the structuring, implementation and impact evaluation of variable remuneration policies. This practice area includes debates around specific legislation on the subject, for instance employment contracting models, fringe benefits and international social security agreements concerning expatriate personnel.  

Please note: This practice area does not include matters related to private pension plans.  


Tax: Litigation 

This section covers a broad range of contentious tax related matters on both administrative and judicial spheres. Relevant matters include controversies related to tax fraud or tax evasion, administrative disputes related to the enforceability of penalties or the applicability of fines and tax authority audits.  


Tax Litigation: Mid-market 

The Tax Litigation: Mid-Market ranking will look at the firms and partners that predominantly represent mid-market level clients and show an average matter-value of up to BRL 100 million. Firms must also demonstrate that their practice is not limited to one state only, in which case they should submit to the Regions Guide. Finally, firms with more than 3 departments already ranked in other sections across the Guide shall not be eligible, as this would demonstrate evidence against a mid-market focused practice. 


White-Collar Crime 

This section covers investigations, administrative and in-court criminal proceedings and that have to do with corruption and financial crimes mainly. Matters includetax offences, money laundering, fraud, professional negligence, bribery, corruption, environmental crimes, among others.WCC covers work on behalf of corporate clients as well as private clients.  






In this practice area we analyse firms that represent agricultural companies in a broad, but not an all-inclusiverange of legal services. The key work for this chapter includes sector-specific M&A and disputes, acquisitions and leasing of agricultural assets, as well as the negotiation and drafting of production and distribution agreements.  

Financing work involving capital instruments such as agricultural receivable certificates, credit notes, warranties and rural product notes is also covered, but greater weight is given to firmsrepresenting the issuer/agribusiness company rather than the underwriter/financial institution.  

Firms may also provide due diligence and general legal support inindustry-specificissues relating to tax, insurance, regulatory and corporate law. However,please notethat advice provided to agribusiness companies relating to real estate, labour & employment, competition/antitrust and IP isnotconsidered relevant for this section.   


Agribusiness: Timberland Investment  

This ranking table features lawyers who advise clients on all matters relating to investments in timber-producing land. The subsection focused on acquisitions and leasing of forestry assets, as well as the negotiation and drafting of production and distribution agreements. Work involving capital market instruments such as receivable certificates, credit notes, warranties and forestry product notes, as well as carbon credits is also covered, but greater weight is given to firmsrepresenting the issuer/timber company rather than the underwriter/financial institution. Financing of reforestation and forestry management projects are also relevant for this section.   


The Aviation practice includes finance, regulatory and liability & litigation sections. Finance concentrates on the advice to manufacturers, purchasers and investors (such as hedge and private equity funds) on the sale, leasing and acquisition of portfolios of aircraft. It also includes the 2001 UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment, or Cape Town Convention, which relates to the electronic registration of aircraft interests.  

Regulatory includes legal advisory on existing aviation regulations and potential regulatory and legislative developments. It also includes the sponsorship of disputes before regulatory entities such as ANAC and other public authorities.  

Liability & Litigation table covers traditional accident defence litigation, including advising aviation insurers on coverage and other issues, as well as product liability claims and general commercial disputes affecting the aviation industry.  


Data Protection  

This section relates to corporate compliance with privacy and information-management laws, namely the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and other regulations. Law firms advising on data security breaches and on the ramifications and requirements of data breach notifications also have relevant work in this field. Representing clients in investigations, enforcement actions, administrative procedures or litigation related to said data security breaches are also to be included in this section. International work in Privacy and Data Security can include advising clients with multinational operations on issues relating to cross-border transfers of data, such as in large-scale outsourcing transactions involving several countries, and on global or multi-jurisdictional privacy compliance programmes.  


This section looks at corporate, finance, regulatory and litigation matters within the education market. In the corporate and finance fields the research will consider investments, mergers and acquisitions and other transactions in the sector. Regulatory matters will include all advice given with regards to existing regulations and potential regulatory and legislative developments, including disputes before the Ministry of Education (MEC) and other public authorities. Litigious matters will encompass all disputes related to education, such as pupil-related litigation, debt recovery, governance matters, employment law and exclusions.  

Energy & Natural Resources  

Although Chambers is aware of the overlap with projects and project financing, the energy chapters principally focus on regulatory issues arising from the sector. These include the regulatory components of M&A and other transactional work, pure regulatory work related to the application for licenses and compliance and enforcement with regulatory bodies. We also consider the buying and selling of energy assets. This section is divided into Mining, Oil & Gas and Power:  

Mining:Focuses on all mining related activities including mineral exploration. Relevant work would be development and production agreements, including royalty issues. Engineering, processing and refining contracts, sales structures, real estate and environmental issues are also covered.  

Oil& Gas:Covers all upstream, midstream anddownstream work including exploration, infrastructure and pipeline developments and service contracts, royalties, licensing and operation agreements.  

Power:Work covers advice on the development and permitting of energy projects (such as electric, coal, oil & gas fired plants, nuclear and hydro-electric plants), facilities management; co-generation and restructuring/deregulation arising out of the wholesale and retail markets. Please also include any renewable energy work in this section such asproject development and regulatory issues surrounding wind and wave power generation, solar, biomass and geothermal energy generation. It also includes advice on compliance with clean energy regulations.  



The environment chapter features both litigation and advisory/transactional support to clients. This includes the development of greenfield and brownfield sites, and pollution issues. 'Traditional' environment work includes regulatory compliance, litigation and enforcement actions related to air, water, wetlands, waste and endangered species. We also feature advice to corporate and financial clients on the environmental aspects of M&A, financings, securities offerings and other transactions.  


Fashion Law  

This section is concerned with commercial and contentious matters in the context of the fashion industry. The research will look at activity in fields of intellectual property, social and environmental responsibility and general commercial law. IP issues include the registration of patents, trademarks and copyrights before national and international authorities, such as the INPI, as well as administrative and judicial disputes concerning those registrations. Social and environmental responsibility encompass compliance with human rights, labour, environmental and sustainability standards and obligations as well as litigation related to these issues. Finally, commercial matters will consider corporate and commercial contracts of fashion companies as well as forthcoming disputes.   

Gambling & Betting  

This section ranks firms and lawyers specialised in advising clients within the Gambling and Betting industry in Brazil. It considers a wide range of regulatory, licensing, compliance  and other law enforcement issues related to both online and traditional gambling activities, including lotteries and casinos, as well as other forms of fixed-odd bets, such as sports betting. The ranking also looks at the transactional side of the sector, including M&A, banking, financing, tax and other corporate matters. Finally, the section also covers strategic contentious matters such as tax, regulatory, commercial and strategic consumer disputes. 
Please note: this table does not include matters related to eSports, which are covered by the Sports Law ranking, as well as other entertainment matters covered by the Media and Entertainment ranking.  


Healthcare: Regulatory 

This areafocuses on work provided for health insurance companies and private healthcare companies, in accordance with ANS – Agência Nacional de SaúdeSuplementar regulations. Firms can assist healthcare insurance companies with the creation and registration of new policies, purchase and sale of insurance portfolios, mergers and financing. Law firms can also help healthcare providers (hospitals, clinics and laboratories) obtain accreditations to provide healthcare services and work within insurance plans, as well as advise those providerson the regulatory approvals needed for corporate transactions in this industry. 
This section also encompasses administrative and judicial contentious work relating to plan coverage, insurance claims, quality of the services provided by both healthcare and insurance companies to consumers, pricing of insurance premiums and medical procedures, among other regulatory-related subjects.  

Please note:Work related to research and commercialisation of drugs and medical devices should be presented to Life Sciences, as all the cases involving ANVISA regulations. Cases related to claims made by an injured party seeking financial compensation for damages caused by drugs or medical devices should be presented to Consumer Law.  



This area includes both contentious and non-contentious insurance and reinsurance matters. On the contentious side, we feature coverage claims litigation, broker`s negligence and both 'facultative' and 'treaty' reinsurance disputes. There is also an element of professional negligence issues arising from insurance disputes. On the non-contentious side, we include insurance aspects of M&A, financings, demutualisations and other regulatory issues.   


Life Sciences 

This practice area broadly focuses on the commercialisation of products across the life sciences sector, including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biotechnology programs, life systems, cosmetics, nutraceuticals and food processing.  
The section also encompasses organisations and institutions that devote themselves to the research, development, technology transfer and commercialisation within the life sciences sphere. Intellectual property issues tend to dominate in this area as pharmaceutical giants seek to obtain innovative blockbuster drugs from biotechs and other sector companies. The section also centres on the licensing and acquisition of new products.  
Please note:M&A work for life sciences and pharmaceutical companies is not deemed a relevant work highlight in this section, except for any complementary regulatory advice that is specific to the life sciences industry.  


Media & Entertainment  

The Media & Entertainment section focuses on work related to advertising, film & television, music, publishing, art and theatre. Legal work in this field encompasses both contentious and non-contentious matters in the specific sectors mentioned above. Contentious matters include copyright and contractual disputes (either representing studios, producers or artists); free-speech litigation; IP and trademark disputes; antitrust and matters arising from financing and structuring said projects. Non-contentious matters include advising clients on the legal and regulatory aspects of these sectors, as well as production, financing and distribution matters; IP; licensing and supplementary rights planning.  

Please note: Brazil has a specific "Sports Law" section for individuals which should include all the aforementioned work which relates specifically to Sports. 


Public Law  

Public Law focuses on the relationship between individuals or private entities and central and local government and other public or regulatory bodies, which for the purpose of the Brazil guide covers constitutional and administrative law matters such as, contentious and non-contentious proceedings, judicial reviews, litigation before constitutional courts, advice on the powers and administrative functions of the government.   
It also includes matters relating to public procurement, privatizations, concessions and other types of public/private partnerships (PPPs), as well as regulatory advice excluding regulatory work related to specific practice areas already considered in a particular jurisdiction: Competition, Energy & Natural Resources, Labour and Employment, Life Sciences, Tax, Telecommunications, Intellectual Property, among others.  



This section looks at shipping & maritime litigation involving breaches of charter-party disputes, cargo and bills of lading claims, the arrest of vessels and cargoes, marine insurance claims, collision, salvage and environmental liabilities. On the non-contentious side, law firms advise on contractual arrangements for construction, financing and registration of vessels, customs and licensing, and documentation relating to charter-parties and bills of lading. The section also looks at regulatory advice and litigation before regulatory bodies such as ANTAQ.  


Sports Law  

This section ranks those who have a demonstrable commitment to the sports sector, primarily focusing on commercial, regulatory and contentious matters within the field. Clients in this sector include athletes, federations, sports associations and clubs, managers and governing bodies, as well as broadcasters, sponsors and agencies. This section includes, but is not limited to, media rights, arbitration, transfers and contract issues, disciplinary actions, anti-doping, governance and regulatory issues. The section also contemplates matters relating to e-sports. 
Please note: matters related to sport betting should me submitted to the Gambling and Betting table. 



The Technology section focuses on Information Technology. Advising companies on technology regulations and drafting contractual agreements in the technology field, such as technology-transfer agreements and outsourcing contracts between large corporations and suppliers of IT services, are central components of active legal work in this field. Law firms advising investors or start-up enterprises in the IT sector, including those related to strategic agreements, regulatory adequation, corporate governance and IT litigation, are also significant forms of legal work for this section.  

Please note:Data Protection and Privacy matters (LGPD) are not relevant in this section, as they should be included in the specific Data Protection ranking.  



This section concentrates on a range of legal issues arising from the heavily regulated areas of telecommunications and broadcasting. Work includes transactional and litigation advice to telecoms companies, wireless operators, TV and/or radio broadcasters and the regulatory issues that such companies face. These issues might be government sponsored-inquires, investigations or compliance proceedings. Other matters include interconnection and resales laws, multimedia agreements and licensing activity.  
Third Sector 

This section covers firms and lawyers specialised in assisting Third Sector organisations. Clients may include civil society organisations, charities, educational institutions, foundations, institutes, philanthropical entities, associations, religious institutions, among others. Work covered includes all types of legal advice for positive impact or institutional matters, comprising advise on tax, corporate, employment, property, and regulatory issues. It will also consider sector-specific advice on constitutional and governance issues, public benefit requirement, advocacy, as well as all contentious and non-contentious legal support aimed at achieving social impact, including public interest litigation. 



These sections are focused on specific regions of Brazil. Matters must be from the respective jurisdiction or have an impact in that region. Firms must also have an established office with registered partners within said region. The regional sections are the following:  


  1. Dispute Resolution  

Campinas & Surroundings: 

  1.  General Business Law  


Centre West: 

  1. General Business Law 

Please note: matters related to Brasília will not be considered in this section as they should be presented in "Dispute Resolution: Brasilia." 

Minas Gerais:  

  1. Corporate/Commercial 

  1. Dispute Resolution 

  1. Labour & Employment 

  1. Real Estate 

  1. Tax  


  1. General Business Law  


North East:  

  1. Consumer Law 

  1. Corporate/Commercial 

  1. Dispute Resolution 

  1. Infrastructure 

  1. Labour & Employment 

  1. Real Estate  

  1. Tax  


  1. General Business Law  


Rio de Janeiro:  

  1. Corporate/Commercial 

  1. Dispute Resolution 

  1. Labour & Employment 

  1. Real Estate 

  1. Tax  

Rio Grande do Sul:  

  1. Corporate/Commercial 

  1. Dispute Resolution 

  1. Labour & Employment 

  1. Real Estate 

  1. Tax  

Santa Catarina: 

  1. General Business Law  


Consumer Law 

This ranking encompasses both consultancy and litigation work arising from consumer relationships including consumer credits, pricing, general contractual terms and conditions. Also includes the sale and supply of services and products, including product liability issues. The section also looks at disputes before the relevant public authorities, such as the Consumer Protection Agency, PROCON, as well as regional authorities.  


Corporate/Commercial will cover everything that is covered in Corporate/M&A. However, it is not limited to corporate finance but may include project finance and any other type of banking & finance work. Non-transactional corporate advice is perfectly acceptable with the exception of contentious matters, i.e. commercial litigation or arbitration which is only considered in the Dispute Resolution section (see below).  

Dispute Resolution  

Chambers' Dispute Resolution encompasses all stages of litigation includingpre-trial negotiations, documentation and preparation for trial, summary judgement motions, trial, appeals and enforcement proceedings. Types of litigation may include commercial and labour disputes and white-collar crime including government investigations. Dispute Resolution also includes domestic and international arbitration, in other words, the resolution of disputes by one or more neutral parties, either an arbitrator or an arbitration panel. Many contracts - including those imposed on customers by many financial and healthcare organisations - require mandatory arbitration in the event of a dispute. Alternative dispute resolution, involving non-court mediation is also covered in this section.  
Please note:Tax should not be included in Dispute Resolution submissions as there is a separate Tax section.  


General Business Law 

General Business Law encompasses a range of commercial law fields relevant to high-end business users. The core focuses on corporate/commercial law, but in lieu of separate practice areas General Business Law can also cover many areas, including dispute resolution, banking & finance, and sector-specific practice areas.  



This section focuses on firms and lawyers who advise on transactions relating primarily to infrastructure assets that have already been completed and are operational in the respective Region. Infrastructure assets can include (but are not limited to) airports, ports, transmission lines, pipelines and (resources) storage. Secondary market transactions, where operational infrastructure is the underlying asset, form a crucial aspect of the work recognised, while equally, contract variation, asset management and other legal issues that arise over the course of the operation of an asset are also relevant.   


Labour & Employment 

Labour & Employment covers non-contentious matters relating to day-to-day business issues as well as workforce restructuring, and employment issues related to mergers and takeovers. Class Actions and Union-related matters are also considered. This section also covers litigation related to sex, race, age and national origin discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination and employment-related restrictive covenants. Advice on the writing of policy handbooks for major corporates and HR training also falls within this section's scope. 

Real Estate 

This chapter features a broad range of rural, commercial and residential real estate matters, including developments, investment transactions, M&A and corporate structuring. Purchase, lease, built-to-suit, surface and usufruct agreements, among other contracts, are also relevant examples of work. Firms may also support clients with registry matters, including land parcelling and title and deed regularisations.  
Real estate also encompasses work relating to financing products such as loans, receivable funds, mortgages and letters of credit. The firms may advise clients on the creation of special purpose entities, real estate investment funds and real estate investment trusts. Additionally, firms can handle sector-related disputes and provide general legal advice to tax matters relating to real estate transactions and companies.  



Tax covers a broad range of matters on both the contentious and non-contentious side. Relevant matters includetax advisory work on international taxation, including transfer pricing and double taxation is highly relevant to this area, as is advice on tax structures for corporate transactions. This section also covers tax controversies, including both litigation and audits.  




Banking & Finance  

Banking refers to all types of regulatory banking work. Firms can render regulatory advice to any type of private or public financial institution. Finance refers to all types of financing including (but not limited to) corporate finance including acquisition or leverage finance, and asset finance. Work highlights typically take the form of secured and unsecured bilateral and syndicated loans but may also constitute structured finance deals. General bank lending, including interbank lending, is relevant to this section as well. The refinancing and restructuring of existing loans and debtor in possession financing is also included. Clear preference is given to lawyers and firms that represent the lender/financial institution.  
Please note:All types of transactions using securities instruments, for example IPOs or debt offerings, are not relevant to this section,as they should go in the separate capital markets ranking.   

Banking and Finance: Regulatory 

Includes work on regulatory matters in the financial services, including the implementation of new directives and national legislation, regulatory aspects of fintech and other general regulatory advice.  


Capital Markets: Debt  

Debt Capital Markets involves advice on the issuing of debt securities on a stock exchange, including stand alone bond issues, convertible and exchangeable bond offerings and high yield bonds, among others. 

Please note: Investment Fund work is not relevant to this section as there is a separate Investment Funds section.  


Capital Markets: Equity  

Equity Capital Markets includes advice on IPOs, share buybacks, follow-on offerings, right offerings, capital increases, accelerated bookbuilds and block trades, among others. 

Please note: Investment Fund work is not relevant to this section as there is a dedicated Investment Funds section. 



This broad category covers both public company and private equity (including venture capital) matters. The chapter includes company acquisitions and dispositions, capitalisations, entity selection and formation, operating and partnership agreements, and governance matters. Also covers those transactions designed to help restructuring within companies and their subsidiaries by change of ownership. Priority is placed on primary representatives, those acting for buyers and sellers. Non-transactional corporate advice is perfectly acceptable with the exception of contentious matters i.e. commercial litigation or arbitration which is only considered in the Dispute Resolution section.  


Crisis Management 

This table consists of leading firms who play a key role in mobilising firm resources and managing multidisciplinary teams to advise corporate and individual clients following catastrophic events, regulatory actions, criminal investigations, compliance failures and broader corporate crises. This research aims at highlight those who are considered a first choice to command a corporate response to a crisis.  


Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) 

This section consists of the leading firms and lawyers who advise clients on their responsibilities and obligations with respect to the environment, society and their own corporate governance. Prominent areas of activity within this section include carbon neutrality and climate change litigation, sustainable finance, supply chain analysis and responses to socio-cultural developments such as allegations of sexual abuse and of discrimination on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation. The section considers the ability to act across the whole scope of these activities, including analysing existing policies and structures for potential risk exposures, and responding to ESG crises affecting clients.   

The research also looks at the ESG measures adopted internally by the submitting law firms, which should demonstrate strong policies on all three fronts.   


Investment Funds 

This section ranks those firms and individuals advising all types of investment funds. It covers work on behalf of sponsors and institutional investors, including fund formation, fund raising, asset management regulatory matters, hybrid funds andfund-of-funds. 


Project Development 

The Projects chapter focuses on the development of large projects that arise from the capital-intensive infrastructure and energy and natural resources markets. Infrastructure projects include, but are not limited to, toll roads, ports, airports, rail and light rail systems, water treatment plants, sewage systems as well as social infrastructure such as hospitals, schools and prisons. In the energy and natural resources sectors, advice on projects includes refineries, pipelines, LNG and petrochemical terminals, power plants and transmissions, and others. Clients in this sector include special purpose vehicles, contractors and operators, and governments.  

Please note: Public/private partnerships, concessions and privatisations may also be considered in this section as long as the work is related to the structuring and development of projects. Work related to the bidding procedures and related administrative matters shall not be considered here, only in the Public Law section.  


Project Finance 

This section focuses on the financial aspects of projects, looking at financing, refinancing, acquisition and divestitures of large projects that arise from the capital-intensive infrastructure and energy and natural resources markets.   

Clients may include governments, sponsors and lenders such as banks and multilateral agencies.  


Real Estate 

This chapter features a broad range of rural, commercial and residential real estate matters, including developments, investment transactions, M&A and corporate structuring. Purchase, lease, built-to-suit, surface and usufruct agreements, among other contracts, are also relevant examples of work. Firms may also support clients with registry matters, including land parcelling and title and deed regularisations.  
Real estate also encompasses work relating to financing products such as loans, receivable funds, mortgages and letters of credit. The firms may advise clients on the creation of special purpose entities, real estate investment funds and real estate investment trusts. Additionally, firms can handle sector-related disputes and provide general legal advice to tax matters relating to real estate transactions and companies.  


Tax: Non-contentious 

This section covers a broad range of work relating to the tax efficient structuring of business operations, assets or transactions. Among other areas, we recognise teams for their tax advisory work as well as for their advice in relation to M&A and financing transactions, fund structuring and real estate related tax issues. It also looks attax advisory work on international taxation, including transfer pricing and double taxation.   


Venture Capital 

This section covers work on behalf of entrepreneurs, founders, start-ups, emerging companies, individual and institutional investors, as well as VC funds and firms. Work might include negotiation of commercial agreements or partnerships, early and late-stage venture financings (including seed capital, Series A, B, C and D funding rounds as well as IPOs), regulatory compliance issues and other advisory work.  

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