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Chambers Expert Focus | Real Estate, Infrastructure and Transport

Insights and market leading analysis of the areas of law across Real Estate are provided by legal experts across a range of thought leadership multimedia content. Discover industry-leading advice and analysis across real estate, construction, shipping, aviation and other key sections.


Public–private partnerships in the GCC with respect to business and strategic growth.

Karim Fawaz
Mirko Olmos | AX Law
Karim Fawaz, Mirko Olmos | AX Law

The intricate relationship between real estate development and environmental regulation and protection in Mexico.

Vicente Grau
Claudia Rodríguez | Santamarina y Steta
Vicente Grau, Claudia Rodríguez | Santamarina y Steta

Edisha K. Greene and Kaela King-James of Joseph Rowe detail with succinct clarity the process necessary to complete a property purchase in St Kitts & Nevis.

Edisha K. Greene
Kaela King-James | Joseph Rowe
Edisha K. Greene, Kaela King-James | Joseph Rowe

Mariano Gomezperalta and Paulina Acevedo Calle of Robert Wray PLLC compare guarantee trusts with traditional security interests in terms of costs and risks.

Mariano Gomezperalta
Paulina Acevedo Calle | Robert Wray PLLC
Mariano Gomezperalta, Paulina Acevedo Calle | Robert Wray PLLC

Rene discusses some key points of what JetZero does and his role in the company.

Louis E. Emery
Rene Sagebien | Robert Wray, PLLC
Louis E. Emery, Rene Sagebien | Robert Wray, PLLC

An overview of the key clauses in sale and purchase agreements (SPAs) for off-plan properties in the UAE.

Mahmoud Kreidie
Michael Kortbawi | BSA Ahmad Bin Hezeem & Associates
Mahmoud Kreidie, Michael Kortbawi | BSA Ahmad Bin Hezeem & Associates

How Romania’s real estate sector is embracing sustainability.

Monia Dobrescu
Madalina Trifan | Musat & Asociatii
Monia Dobrescu, Madalina Trifan | Musat & Asociatii

Discussing notable judicial opinions recently issued by the Supreme People’s Court of China in relation to priority payment rights in construction projects.

Haijun Zhang
Benxi Kuang | Zhong Lun Law Firm
Haijun Zhang, Benxi Kuang | Zhong Lun Law Firm

Insights and trends in real estate law on the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia.

Michelle Anthony-Desir | Athena Law
Michelle Anthony-Desir | Athena Law

Exploring the “Make More in America” initiative – the Export-Import Bank’s new programme to move into the domestic finance realm.

Louis E Emery | Robert Wray PLLC
Louis E Emery | Robert Wray PLLC

Exploring the impact of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.

Katelin Toomey
Mary Liz Mahony | Maples Group
Katelin Toomey, Mary Liz Mahony | Maples Group

How liquidated damages in construction contracts are treated differently under English and Korean law?

Jaesung Park | DR & AJU LLC
Jaesung Park | DR & AJU LLC

India’s 2024 real estate landscape, highlighting government initiatives boosting infrastructure development.

Daval Vussonji
Prachi Dave | Dhaval Vussonji & Associates
Daval Vussonji, Prachi Dave | Dhaval Vussonji & Associates

Korea’s unique legal framework in the construction sector, highlighting its emphasis on fairness and good faith in contracts.

Sangchul Kim
Hangil Lee | Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
Sangchul Kim, Hangil Lee | Bae, Kim & Lee LLC

Financial leasing in Spain with respect to ports, bringing into play port concession law.

Albert Prats Ribas
Jordi Mayol Orga | Bufete A. Prats
Albert Prats Ribas, Jordi Mayol Orga | Bufete A. Prats

The recent increase in foreign investment in the Greek real estate sector.

Lambros Belessis
Eleni Gerasmidou | Bernitsas Law Firm
Lambros Belessis, Eleni Gerasmidou | Bernitsas Law Firm

The recent developments and the complexities surrounding the aviation insolvency landscape in India.

Anindita Roychowdhury
Sushrut Garg | AZB & Partners
Anindita Roychowdhury, Sushrut Garg | AZB & Partners

Saudi Arabia’s new codification of the law of contract and property.

Kilian Bälz
Farah Fawzy | Amereller
Kilian Bälz, Farah Fawzy | Amereller

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The increasing focus on renewal provisions in lease agreements and the growth in purchases of commercial condos.

Peter A. Saad |  Loopstra Nixon LLP
Peter A. Saad | Loopstra Nixon LLP